Title I - In-House Suspension Teacher Aide - Mojave HS

Region One
North Las Vegas

View job description below for full details & minimum position requirements.


Please ensure that you complete the entire three (3) year work history in the “Experience and Credentials” section of your application, including periods of unemployment, schooling and volunteer work.  Read the job description for the position. Required documents for the job, which you are applying, must be attached at the time of application, in order to be considered.

Document(s) Required at Time of Application

Education, Training, and Experience

1. High school graduation or other equivalent (General Educational Development (GED), foreign equivalency, etc.).

2. Experience working with children.

3. Minimum of 48 credit hours from an accredited college or university or a passing score on the Educational Testing Service (ETS) ParaPro assessment. 


Licenses and Certifications

1. A valid driver’s license or state-issued identification card.

2. Current Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation/Automated External Defibrillator CPR/AED certificate from the American Heart Association, American Red Cross, or a similar organization. Certification must be maintained for duration of assignment. Certification training must be in-person and include a handson component. Online courses will not be accepted. A copy of the front and back of the CPR/AED certificate must be uploaded into the application.


Preferred Qualifications

None specified.


Months: 9 /  Hours: 8


NOTE: It is the applicant's responsibility to upload all required documents as listed in the job description. If you currently hold a position that requires a certification listed in the job description, that document still must be uploaded to your application.